This is my first attempt to chronicle my trials and tribulations of creating a wargames army.I am in the process of creating one major,and a couple minor 28mm AWI wargames armies.The first,and largest is Cornwallis' British Southern Army of 1780-1781.The next will be Clintons expedition up the Hudson in support of Burgoynes Army in Oct. of 1777.I chose that because I live near the site of its only major engagements,the attacks on Forts Clinton and Montgomery.
Next up will be Burgoynes German allies consisting of troops from Brunswick and Hesse-Hanau.This is just a small overview of what I will be doing.I will be posting pictures and descriptions of my current work,and progressas I go along.I have the bulk of The British Southern Army finished,all thats needed are some British Legion Dragoons and some Loyalist troops.
Well,off I go!!